Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snow Day {2012}

As I said in my Christmas post, we got snow! A White Christmas, indeed! It didn't really start until the late afternoon/evening, so by the time we got home from my grandparents house in Mabank it was already dark and hard to take any decent pictures. The next morning was Dayton's first doctor's appointment so we made plans to play with Sawyer in the snow when we got home. Dayton had a double ear infection which really upset me and put a small kink in our plans, but nevertheless we played with Sawyer outside (mainly Casey) because she loved it! I took a quick picture with Dayton because it was his first snow and then whisked him back inside since he was sick - poor baby!

Here are the pictures we got that day…they make me look forward to having snow days next year or the year after when both of my kiddos can play in it together. I see many snowmen and snowball fights in our future! ;)
Fun times with the kiddos!!

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