Dayton is an easy, laid-back baby boy at 7 months old. He is very happy and laughs a ton! He loves to roll around and grab toys and is super content to do this for a solid hour while I fold clothes or do another chore with him in the room. He is always well-behaved in the nursery at church and with Ashlee, our babysitter, which makes me feel much more at ease thinking of putting him in Mother's Day Out two days a week starting August 27th! He'll be 8 months at that point!
This month he learned to…
This month he learned to…
sit up great unsupported! *my favorite accomplishment so far
4th of July!
First time to meet Memaw Horton - his 93-year-old great, great grandmother!
Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A!
His favorite things this month:
momma, no doubt ;)
Soothie paci
Things he hates this month:
Ear infections! Poor kid can't catch a break from those darn things!
sometimes he hates when we first put him in the car seat
His sizes this month:
6-9 months
Size 3 diapers - he & Sawyer wear the same size - how funny is that!?
New places he has been this month:
Cotton Patch Cafe
ASI to watch Sawyer's gymnastics
Important events this month:
For his first 4th of July we went to my Momma Sheila's and swam, fished, pet the horses, and had homemade ice-cream! That night we went to Harry Meyers Park in Rockwall to watch the fireworks! It was a great day!
Favorite pictures this month:
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