Wednesday, July 31, 2013

6 Months of Dayton

My poor neglected blog. I have had zero time. I really shouldn't even be blogging now because there's ALWAYS homework to be done, but both kids are napping and I am already 2 monthly posts behind…
Dayton's Measurements:
Birth: 7 lbs. 6.2 oz., 20" long, 13" head, 13" chest
6 days old: 7 lbs. 2.5 oz., 20 1/2" long
2 weeks old: 7 lbs. 14.5 oz., 20 1/2" long, 14" head
1 month old: 9 lbs. 6 oz., 21 1/2" long, 15 1/2" head
2 months old: 12 lbs. 1.5 oz., 23 1/4" long, 15 3/4" head
4 months old: 14 lbs. 5.5 oz., 24 3/4" long, 16 1/2" head 
6 months old: 16 lbs. 7.5 oz., 26 1/4" long, 17 1/4" head

Dayton is middle of the road regarding measurements…his weight was 30th percentile, height was 50th percentile, and his head was 60th percentile! So we have a tall, thin, big-headed boy, just like his daddy! ;) 

6 month old cutie!
This month he learned to…
rolled onto tummy in his crib
his 1st unswaddled night was May 22nd - he did well!
1st formula - June 18th (2 days from turning 6 months old)

time to swim! (Memorial Day)
Father's Day
being babysat by Ashlee

His favorite things this month:
Momma, no doubt
paci still
ice cube pops
playing with toys while he sits up!
his babysitter Ashlee :)

Things he hates this month:
sometimes the car seat - he's actually really happy most of the time!

His sizes this month:
6 months
size 2 diapers

New places he has been this month:
story time at the Library!
The Galleria

Important events this month:
We celebrated Father's Day - Casey's 3rd Father's Day as a Father but the 1st one with Dayton!
we made him a few gifts and also bought him a few gifts :)

Favorite pictures from this month!
Memorial Day Cuteness
1st swim
Dayton & Ally ;)
1st time in exersaucer!
Fell asleep like this…so funny.
pretty as a little girl :)
Daddy's little Longhorn

What a fun half year it has been!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I have nominated you for the Liebster award! To find out more, check out my blog at please do not feel like you have to participate.



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