Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Landscaping Love

When we first bought our house there was ZERO landscape….unless you consider white rocks along the sidewalk as landscaping….Anyway, last March (2009) we put up a stone border and put in shrubs and flowers ourselves. Casey also fertilized the grass and took up all the ugly white rocks. This year Casey fertilized some more and we put in more flowers. It's looking sooo much better! I'm proud of us! Here are some before and after pictures! Check out the crazy gutter sticking out as well as the random shrubbery on the right...
Our neighborhood has "yard of the month" and currently our neighbor across the street has it! Our goal is to get that sign in our yard sometime soon ;)


  1. looks really good. When can you come fix our house?

  2. Beautiful, Lauren! Great job! You guys need to hire out!!


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