On Memorial Day Casey & I went out on the boat with Charlie & Ginni! We were out on the lake for 6 hours! It was a blast! We went out, water skied, breaked for lunch, through tons of orange peels out onto the water (mainly Charlie did this) had some fun tubing, then some more skiing, and then went back and hopped on the jet skis for an hour or so! The pictures from our day CRACK ME UP. Some of our expressions while on the tube are hilarious. Hope you enjoy them as well!
Me with little Lucy in our brand new tube!
Charlie skiing!
this one CRACKS ME UP. I look SO scared.
Charlie looks like a bug!
This is Casey. Haha!
Seriously, whose legs bend that way?!
LOL. I really don't get how his legs bend like that. It looks like they are broken!
Captain Coats ;)
Hope you Rickersons had as much as fun as we did! Here's to more fun boating to come! :)
ha ha I was literally laughing out loud at these pictures! I can't believe that Casey's legs to that! ha ha. We had fun of course, can't until next time! We need to get Madison a life jacket! :)