Sunday, February 1, 2009

Disciple Now

This weekend was awesome! We had more than 300 students for the weekend, and it was more than we expected. The total number is somewhere around 315. We had a dozen students accept Christ and many, many more make decisions to follow Him, whatever that may mean for them.

Thursday night was our kick-off! We had a comedic hypnotist come to the church, and lo, and behold, I was hypnotized. There is a video, and I am going to try to get it on here somehow! Pretty funny, and a really interesting experience!

Friday and Saturday were awesome, and we got to watch students from 7th-12th grade worship! I loved dNow as a student, and I love it as an adult! Great times. Casey says that dNow is his very favorite youth event--above youth camp and everything else.

This morning we had over 500 people in the 9 o'clock service (due to all of the high school dNow students in the first service and middle schoolers in the second)! All regular chairs, fold-out chairs, and standing room were full. (We normally only fit 350 people in the sanctuary, so this was quite a few more people!) We had 2 awesome kids give their dNow testimonies (which drew tears to the eyes of many), and 2 awesome couples, who opened their homes to our students, speak. It was great!

Casey & I love cLife and are so happy to be apart of such a special event!

Ps. A special shout out to Casey, whose 26th birthday was Friday night! I think of him as a trooper to share his birthday with 400 people, but he thinks it is cool. More power to him!


  1. That is SO awesome you had such a big turnout! what a blessing! It def seems like yall put the work into it though=)
    Yall need to stop bein so busy so we can hang out!!!!!!
    Maybe we'll just have to 'force ourselves over' like last time=)

  2. aww I like your scrapblog! I'm glad that you figured it out=)


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