Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ice Day

While I was glad that I didn't have to go to work today, I kind of wish the ice had held off until next week. We have dNow this weekend, so Casey went into work at 10:30. I also would have slept in longer if he hadn't gotten a phone call at 8:50 this morning. He got up and talked and then got ready, so I got up to eat breakfast with him. If that hadn't have happened, I bet we would have slept in till at least 11! I did take a nap or two this afternoon, but kept waking up sweating. I hate that! What is that about?

Anyway, I am thankful for my day off; I just wish I had someone to spend it with! Or...if I hadn't already finished the Twilight series. Today would have been a perfect day to just read. But I am not currently reading anything.

Oh well. Maybe next time.

1 comment:

  1. that stinks you had to get up early! the night before the 'ice storm' i had this wretched cough and I took waaaay too much nyquil at like 2am and so I didn't wake up till about 11:30!! haha. I'm sorry you were alone all day! we tried to come see yuo that evening (member?) but you were decorating.


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