Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Big Girl Bed

This post has been way over due, but I wanted to make sure it hit the blog at some point. Back in May of 2013 Sawyer decided to start crawling out of her bed over and over. I actually had her do it for me in person so I could video it ;) That same day we transitioned her into her "big girl bed" (same bed, but with a toddler rail) so that she wouldn't ever hurt herself crawling out in the middle of the night!

This all happened a month after she turned 2 and I had a 5 month old newborn as well. Needless to say, as soon as Sawyer was transitioned into her toddler bed, life got a little more crazy for me! ;)
helping her daddy out :)
"you mean I'm free to get in and out as I please?" 
She slept great in it for a solid 2 weeks without getting out. She would even wait for us to come get her in the mornings. And then…it hit her…all toddlerhood let loose. She's been in our room almost every night since ;) We now have a cot set up so when she comes in in the middle of the night she just lays down there and doesn't disturb us (as much) while we are sleeping. Every now and then she stays asleep in her room all night long and doesn't migrate over to ours, but that's rare, haha. She always starts out in her room, though, and usually lasts about 3-5 hours before coming over to ours. Oh well. It's better than all night in our room!!

Cannot believe she's about to be 3…

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