Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SG at 21 Months

Little Sawyer Grace is growing fast! She's 21 months old and a big sister!

Here's this months recap:
  • She's talking non-stop! In fact, just yesterday Casey asked if she could just be quiet for a little bit! Heehee ;)
  • She's wearing mostly 18 months and 2T clothing.
  • She wears size 3 diapers… I had moved her up to size 4 last month, but they were just too big so we went back down to size 3.
  • She still really loves going outside - she loves the front yard, the back yard, the park, the swing, the slide. Everything about outside. I'm looking forward to the summer months so that we can enjoy the outdoors more. :)
  • She loves to dance! Casey turns on his speakers in the bedroom and she will dance all around and squeal. It is so fun and cute! She also loves to dance to songs played on Sesame Street. 
  • Speaking of Sesame Street--she's still a fan of Elmo!!
  • Sawyer is blossoming when it comes to food - she is more new foods and more of them! Growing girl!
  • She's still obsessed with milk - I need to start her on water and juice more because we are going through several gallons a week!!
  • She still loves her babies!! She tries to imitate what I do with Dayton with her babies. She loves her bubba, but she doesn't care too much about him…haha. For the most part she just plays and pays attention to him only when he cries. At that point she comes and gets me and says "baby cries" It's cute. :) She will give Dayton his paci (she actually puts it in his mouth and holds it there until he gets it good and settled), she covers him with his blanket, and throws away his diapers for us. :) Good big sis for a 1-year-old, if you ask me!!
  • Sawyer still gives us sweet little kisses and hugs and it melts our hearts! LOVE it!!!
  • She still adores her daddy, but wants me when she is tired, hurt, or sad. I still like that. :)
  • Sawyer usually goes to bed around 8pm (sometimes as late as 9 and every now and then as late as 10) and she usually gets up between 7am-8:30am. We love it when its closer to 8:30 ;) I'm convinced that if I got a blackout curtain that she would sleep later. I need to just get that done and see…
  • Sawyer is a sweetheart. She is tender and kind, but also super spunky! I can tell that she really isn't strong-willed though because a harsh word can get her crying easily. Discipline is a challenge to find the right method because at times it seems like we can't get her to stop yelling "no" at us and other times a firm word to her makes her lip quiver. 
Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Sawyer as she went from 20 months to 21 months old…
watching Sesame Street together
 What is cuter than a little girl in house shoes and a onesie? Nothing!
 More Sesame Street :) I should probably find her a new show, but she doesn't get bored with it--even if it is the same episode over and over!
 Bubba's car seat is a hit!!!
 The last picture of my "only child" -- I wrote about this already, but I cried taking this picture. It still makes me feel emotional to just look at it.
 12/20/12 -- waiting to meet brother!!!
brother & sister meeting for the very first time
It was way past little miss's bedtime (around 11pm here)
The best picture we got, haha!
At home… 
& Kisses… 
Christmas Eve 
Christmas Morning 
Snow Day!! 12/26/12
Taking care of her baby :)
Our photo shoot…
Daddy time -- melt my heart
1st time eating out as a family of 4! In-N-Out Burger!
 this one makes me laugh:)
 She loves putting on my shoes!!
She really likes to color!
Our first Chick-fil-A playdate with bubba!
Her buddy, Colton, from CG!
Giving Whitley some love:)

My pretty girl loves Target ;)
We love you SO stinkin' much Sawyer Grace! You are so much fun! We love being your parents!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the one of Sawyer on the couch with Casey & Dayton! The way she's looking at Casey is precious. Also my favorite is the Long John Silvers one!!! haha It cracks me up every time I look at it! :)


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