Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sawyer at 13-14 months old!

Sawyer is growing like a weed! I haven't done an update about her since her 1st birthday so it's been a little over 2 months! Since then she has gotten several more teeth, started walking (May 30th - 13 months old), eats a lot more different foods, and says a lot of new words (momma, daddy, ball, dog, uh-oh, bye-bye, hi, bottle, and working on hat, cat, and diaper)! She is picking up on things so fast. She dances to music, points to her nose, brushes her hair with brushes and combs, knows to put bows in her hair, points the remote at the tv, talks on the phone (real and fake phones), carries bags and other objects on her arm like a purse, runs to us and gives us big hugs when we stretch our arms out, and sort of blows kisses. :) She loves being tickled by her daddy and will laugh and play with him for hours. She likes getting on the couch or our bed and bouncing around and playing.

She waves at people and strangers constantly. We'll be pushing her through the mall and she'll start smiling and waving at people. When they wave back or say something to her she gets very excited and starts squealing at them. I have never seen a more social baby and others comment on that all the time as we'll. It really never gets old.

Sawyer likes going to church and staying in the nursery, playing with the little boys I keep, and she adores her cousin Caleb (6 years old). She loves her grandparents and has fun getting in their drawers and cabinets. She has taken very well to swimming and will even wear her sunglasses when it's bright out. She loves her stroller and if its sitting out she will try to climb up into it or whine until we put her in it. She loves going for walks and watching Lucy run around wild. She will point at her and said "dog." Every morning after breakfast I put Sawyer down and tell her to let Lucy out of her crate and she immediately walks over, pulls the blanket off, and unlatches the lock. I always clap and say "Lucy's hero!" and she claps, too. She adores Lucy and will lay her head on her, pet her, and play tug of war with Lucy's toys. She sticks her hand out for Lucy to lick and then giggles. She also likes feeding Lucy off of her high chair… we're trying to break that habit though. :)

I keep telling everyone this is my favorite stage of Sawyer's so far, but also the hardest because she always wants to be down and walking around so that makes restaurants and other people's houses a little difficult. She's super cute during this stage and extra sweet. I love watching her walk around in her new shoes with her new little pony tail. She can also throw a good ole fashion tantrum - this is kind of a new development…started around her first birthday, but really went into full force the last few weeks (mainly since walking). We are trying to think of things to not just deter her from tantrums (mainly just loud crying when she doesn't get her way), but of ways to let her know that's not okay. Disciplining a 1 year old is hard work. I can only swat or squeeze her hand so many times in a day. I really need to develop a time out spot or something. But then what about in public? Any suggestions/ideas from parents with well-behaved children are gladly accepted and appreciated :) I have read the second BabyWise book which deals with her age, but the main thing in their is swat/squeeze hand and remove from situation to her bed. I do those things and both work pretty well, but I'd like some additional options for when I'm in public and/or the hand thing isn't working. :) She is actually a very tender child and when you talk to her in a stern voice that makes her little lip quiver and tears start flowing. I know I can use that to my advantage, but I never want to make her think I am mad at her and at this age I think it is hard for her to decipher between me being mad, and me not wanting her to do the action she just did. Make sense? We have some very funny stories about the first few times we said "no" and she burst into tears…We have never yelled at her, but just said it sternly and it is almost comical (at the same time sad) at how quickly that hurts her little feelings. It's sad, but at the same time cute. I am thankful for a tender child who doesn't appear to be strong-willed like her father and I. ;)

I love you sweet, Sawyer Grace. If you ever look back and read these posts I hope you can see how much your parents love you and want the best for you. :)

Here are some pictures and videos from the last 2 months! :)

Sawyer's 1st year video shown at her bday party
learning to walk...
puppy love with the twins I keep 2 days a week:)
2nd time to go to the zoo!
 first ride on the carousel!
 first pony tail!
Sawyer's 1st steps:) (of at least 8 or so in a row)
Sawyer reading:)  
Sawyer's 1st time in the Chick-fil-A playground!

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