Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baby #2!!!

Well, I am way behind on blogging. By now everyone knows the big secret! I am pregnant with Baby #2 due in December!! Today I am exactly 11 weeks along. We are so very excited and blessed! :)

Do you want to know why I am so behind on blogging? It's because if I had blogged 3 weeks ago that I was pregnant my post would have been miserable with horrible pregnancy symptoms tainting my first blog about baby #2... and that's not what I wanted. I was never sick with Sawyer. The worst symptom I had in the first trimester was fatigue and gagging each morning when I brushed my teeth and the occasional gag when someone would bring up Taco___ (fill in the blank: Taco Cabana, Taco Bell, Taco Bueno, Taco Casa… you name it. Those places made me want to puke and that's no different this pregnancy. So weird. I use to really like those places but never really recovered from my aversion to them since being pregnant with Sawyer).

This pregnancy has been totally different so far:
  • I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks earlier than the first pregnancy (this time I found out at 4 weeks 4 days, and with Sawyer I was already 6 weeks 5 days -- can we say I was obviously in denial and surprised with Sawyer?! Haha! Best surprise ever though!) **Random fact - BOTH times I found I was pregnant we ate at Chuy's in Dallas for dinner that night before I took a pregnancy test...not planned, but just random and weird. I guess that's just how much we love Chuy's. :)
  • I got sick fast! For the first week I knew I felt totally normal and fine, but when week 2 hit I was sick as a dog for about 10 days. I was a useless person, seriously. My mom even came and got Sawyer for me and kept her overnight once. Casey probably thought he was married to a paraplegic as little as I got off of the couch, and I was constantly telling him that the baby hated me and was trying to kill me. Haha.
  • I 've thrown up. :( I went the entire 38 weeks with Sawyer without throwing even once. NOT the same with this little baby. He or she likes to make me sick!! (By the way, I really really dislike throwing up.)
  • I'm not worried and feel completely chill. With Sawyer I was always worried that something would be wrong and would get all anxious before every doctor's appointment worrying that she wouldn't be okay or something. This time, I feel like a pro. Haha! I know I'm not a pro, but seriously, I did this all recently so it doesn't feel new to me at all. I actually felt like I had just seen Dr. Payne and like I had never stopped going to my monthly visits with him (even though I hadn't seen him since June 2011). 
  • I am more tired. I think? I remember being really tired with Sawyer, but this time is different because I can't just come home from work and lay on the couch and sleep in til noon on the weekends. I have a toddler now and she wakes me up bright and early around 7am everyday and doesn't allow me to lay on the couch from 5pm-9pm like I did when I was pregnant with her. ;) I really felt like a bad momma during the 10 days that I was super sick because I know I wasn't giving her as much attention while I laid in the floor and she played around me…and I know I left her in bed too long after naps when I was also napping and didn't get up as soon as she woke up. But I am feeling much better now and am SO enjoying this stage with Sawyer now because she is ADORABLE. If you don't believe me, just come over for 30 minutes and watch her walk around the house and say "ball" and "dog" and "uh oh" and clap when you smile at her. She melts my heart daily.
  • I don't care if I have a boy or a girl. Um, if you knew me well when I was pregnant with Sawyer you remember that I was not shy about saying that I wanted a girl. A few people actually made me feel guilty for caring so much and said "you just need to pray for a healthy baby" and DUH, I prayed for a healthy baby, but don't ask me if I want a boy or a girl if you don't want my honest answer! I'm nothing if not real. Come on, people. I didn't say I wouldn't have loved a boy--I would have loved a boy just as much! But I preferred a girl and so did Casey. I really don't think there's anything wrong with having a preference (but that's just my opinion, and well, this is my blog:). I wouldn't have cried or been unhappy with a boy. And this time I have so many pros to both genders! I would love for Sawyer to have a little sister so close in age! I would also love to have a little boy that looks just like Casey! (Have you seen his little boy pictures? Because they are A-DOR-A-BLE! Click HERE to see! :) It would be great to have another girl because everything we own is pink (I may not have thought that through, but at the time I wasn't planning on staying at home and thought I'd have plenty of money to buy everything in blue the next time! haha). It would be fun to have a boy and redo a nursery in a cool-non girly way. For some reason I'm most excited about doing a boy nursery because there are so many different options! See? Either way I will be thrilled and Casey feels the same! What a fun time it will be come July or August when we find out! Yay!
Okay, so down to some stats/dates (Y'all know I must blog the details)…
  • We found out on April 24, 2012 (which also happened to be Sawyer's due date one year ago, so that's cool and I'm sure I'll always remember the date!)
  • We went on a celebratory dinner to Twisted Root on April 26th
  • I told Ginni on April 27th because I couldn't keep my big mouth shut any longer and I was in a car with her for hours on end! haha! (Casey wasn't happy with me:)
  • I told Rachel April 28th (she was in town and also pregnant so again, I couldn't wait! ;)
  • We told Casey's parents on May 1st with a cute shirt that Sawyer wore that said "I have a secret… I'm going to be a big sister!"
  • We told my grandparents and uncle on May 3rd with the same shirt
  • We told my mom on May 6th with the same shirt
  • I told Laura on May 9th at Chick-fil-A with the same shirt
  • We told the church staff on May 11th at the Catalyst Conference while everyone was together in one place
  • We had our first doctor's appt on May 15th and found out I was 7 weeks and 4 days along
  • We told my dad, Casey's sister, Lauren, & several other friends on May 15th after the sonogram
  • We put it on Facebook on May 19th
  • We told our CG on May 21st
  • We are due on December 27th! (Keep in mind that Sawyer came 10 days early all on her own…maybe this baby will do the same and we'll be home as a family of 4 for Christmas!)
Now for some pictures!!
Awkwardly holding the pregnancy test as proof…haha (4/24)
Celebratory Dinner at Twisted Root (4/26) Please excuse that I'm not wearing a lick of makeup…these are not flattering pictures or good angles of me, but at least Sawyer looks cute:)

Telling Mimi & Poppy! (5/1) My intention was to get a picture with everyone when they saw Sawyer's shirt, but sadly I did not. That's what happens when you're super sick. All plans quickly go out the window!

Telling Laura at Chick-fil-A (5/9)
Celebrating my 2nd Mother's Day as a mother of "two" (5/13)
Trying hard to get some cute pictures of Sawyer to announce it to the world! It was our most difficult photo session yet, and ended with a very wrinkly sonogram picture. Haha!


  Alright! That's all folks! Hopefully I'll start to blog more than once every 6 weeks! ;)


  1. its so exciting! and hey, don't feel bad about not blogging, I thought I would blog about my whole pregnancy week by week....and I have just NOT had the time...and I'm not sick OR have another baby-so you're doing good;) haha can't wait!!

  2. Yay you blogged!! I was thinking about how it a few days ago and realized it had been a while since you blogged. I was going to demand that you blog soon, and I didn't even have to do that! :) Really excited for baby #2 - can't wait to meet HIM (that's right, I'm saying it's going to be a boy!). By the way, did you wear a dress with RED accessories on Mother's Day? If so, I'm real proud. :)


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