Saturday, April 14, 2012

My One Year Old Sawyer Grace

I can't believe this post is finally here… it seems like life with Sawyer has flown by, but at the same time it feels like I've had her forever!

  • Sawyer is still a champ sleeper. She sleeps about 10 hours at night and 3-4 during the day split between 2 naps. The last 2 weeks she's woken up a few nights randomly for a bottle - I think she hit a small growth spurt!
  • Sawyer is crawling around everywhere. She crawls all over the house and will even follow us or the cat or dog into another room.
  • She pulls up on everything! She seems so close to walking, but she's just not quite there yet. I give her til her "13 month birthday" - that's my bet for when she starts walking.
  • Sawyer has 9 teeth! 4 on top and 5 on bottom - 1 of which is a molar! Cutting molars has been a little harder on her/us. :)
  • Sawyer is wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
  • The doctor was a little concerned with her weight gain at her 1 year check up - she's lost a little weight, but she'd also been pretty sick in the last month along with being a lot more active! 
  • She still loves bath time and splashes a huge mess. It's fun!
  • Sawyer is still a momma's girl, but it seems like her big deal with me holding her all the time was only for a month. She's already much better at letting others hold her.
  • Sawyer is saying "momma," "da da," "uh oh," "bye bye," "dog," & "thank you!" I'm really impressed when she says "thank you!" I love it! I feel like that is big for a 1 year old since it's 2 words together.
  • Sawyer claps when other people clap or say "yay!"
  • She waves "bye bye" when people leave - even if they didn't say "bye" to her.
  • Sawyer uses her own hair brush and comb and actually brushes/combs her hair. It's so cute!
  • She talks on the phone…real phones, fake phones, things that aren't even phones. Today she tried to talk on the phone using my necklace charm. Haha!
  • She loves cars! She plays with cars all the time at playschool. She crawls and rolls them all around the floor for what seems like forever! I'm glad she can entertain herself so easily!
  • Sawyer has started drinking whole milk and likes it just fine! I really don't think she's even noticed that we switched. I have her on organic whole milk for now. I'll switch to regular whole milk later…
  • Sawyer's hair is still growing quickly, and still very fine. It's hard to get it to stay down -- always looks like she has static! :)
  • If there's one thing I know about Sawyer, it's that she loves people. Strangers are constantly telling me she's the friendliest baby they've ever seen. I like it. I hope she stays that way her whole life. :)
Sawyer's Weight Progression:
Newborn: 5 lbs. 12 oz.
1 month: 7 lbs. 1 oz.
2 months: 8 lbs. 12 oz.
3 months: 9 lbs. 13 oz.
4 months: 10 lbs. 14 oz.
5 months: 12 lbs. 3 oz.
6 months: 13 lbs. 6 oz.
7 months: 14 lbs. 8 oz.
8 months: 15 lbs. 4 oz.
9 months: 16 lbs. 2 oz.
10 months: 17 lbs. 6 oz.
11 months: 18 lbs. 2 oz.
12 months: 17 lbs. 6 oz.

Here's my big 1 year old!
Sweet Sawyer Grace, your daddy & I love you soooo much. You are an amazing little girl and we love spending each day with you! You are so much fun!!

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