We woke up early on Monday morning--5:30am to be exact--and got ready and put Sawyer in the car in her pjs. She wasn't allowed to eat before the surgery and we knew they were going to take her clothes off anyway, so why switch out of pjs and get her all awake when she would just be hungry?! We got to the hospital at 6am and checked in. They gave us a pager so that we would get minute by minute recaps of the surgery. Apparently they do this for parents of young children and while I really wasn't nervous about this little procedure I was still glad to have the pager! :) They took us back and had us change Sawyer into an adorable little Loony Tunes hospital gown. She looked so cute, I had to take a picture!! At about 6:55 they took her away from us and she didn't even make a peep about it. Such a good baby! The nurses, doctor, and anesthesiologist had already come to visit her a bizillion times so she was pretty use to them by that time. So Casey & I went into the waiting room and got a little page at 7:04 that the surgery had started. I kid you not at 7:14 we got a little page that the surgery was complete! 10 minutes was all it took. At about 7:20 the doctor came out and told us it went well, that she had fluid behind her ears that he removed, and that she would be waking up soon and they would come get us. At about 7:25 the nurse called us back and as we were walking back I could hear her screaming her little head off. She was not herself! The gas was still wearing off and she was acting like an insane person…screaming, wild look in her eyes, throwing her head back, arching her back, etc. Not my precious little baby. It kind of freaked me out but Casey kept saying "that's what it feels like to come out of it." I was thinking "what?! I have never behaved this way when I've come out from being put under gas." Granted I've only been put under when I got my wisdom teeth out, but it was the same kind of gas. I did not act like that. I don't know what Casey is thinking. Haha. But anyway, I know she is a baby and that she was scared so we just held her and dressed her and stayed for about 10 minutes and then headed home. She did not calm down much in the car. It helped with the back-arching and head-throwing, but not the screaming. Poor child. The goal was to drive around a little and get her to go to sleep because she was obviously super exhausted and we had already tried feeding her and she wouldn't eat. Eventually she started throwing up mucous in her car seat though (because of all the drainage that she was causing due to the crying…) so we quickly drove home! We got her home, changed her, and I rocked her for maybe 5 minutes before she was out. We put her in her bed and she slept for 3 hours! When she woke up she was like our old baby - sweet and happy, but hoarse (from all the screaming). She is still hoarse today…it's funny because even her laugh is a lot deeper. Kinda cute. She is on tylenol and some ear drops for the next few days, but hopefully after that no more ear-infected baby!! And I'm definitely hoping she's good and healthy for her 1st birthday!! I have been in planning mode for that lately and I can't wait! It's going to be a lot of fun (for me at least!) ;)
Here are some cutie pictures of her at the hospital.
They turned Sponge Bob on for her, but Casey seemed more interested in it than Sawyer. :)
She's like…"Please no, it might hurt!"
Some Instagram pics!
To prove she felt better quickly, here is a video I took after her 3 hour nap of her pulling up and trying to say "thank you" (the newest word we're working on).
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