Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Valentine's Day (Our 8th and Sawyer's 1st)

This year we did Valentine's just a tad bit smaller due to the fact that money is a bit tighter with me staying home part time. I woke up to Casey making me muffins and with a bouquet of flowers and presents on the table in the kitchen. :)  Sawyer also had a few treats from us - nothing too much since she doesn't have a clue what Valentine's Day is, but nevertheless she got a rose and a card from her Daddy and a little pink sock monkey from me. She seemed happy about it. :) During the day I helped Sawyer make Valentine's for her Daddy and her Mimi & Poppy. Mimi and Grandmother came over that evening to keep her while Casey & I went out to dinner at Gloria's followed by seeing The Vow at the movies! It was a fun date! Here are some pictures from our 8th Valentine's together & Sawyer's 1st!
playing with her rose during breakfast:)
Don't worry…this card isn't as mean as it looks. The inside actually said, "I know you really put up with me" or something like that.
Us at the movies:) The light is always too bright for Casey. :)
Happy 8th Valentine's Day to my sweet sweet, hubby. I love you soooo much. And happy 1st Valentine's Day to my sweet sweet munchkin, Sawyer. We both love you soooo much. :)

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