Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Ten Month Old Sawyer Grace

She is 10 months old!!! Holy moly!! This has been one of the biggest months of change for Sawyer. She has grown a ton and it is amazing how big she is and how much older she acts. Seriously crazy. I love this stage!!

  • Sawyer still sleeps through the night for around 12 hours and takes 2 naps a day normally at 10:30am and again at 3:00pm. Those range from 45 minutes to 2 hours each.
  • She is crawling excellently and has started transitioning from the army crawl to hands and knees. I think she'll pick it up soon, but until then she is pretty fast with the army crawl!
  • Sawyer is still super grabby and curious. She will grab anything of interest to her if it is within her reach. With that being said, I keep a close eye on her. ;)
  • She has learned how to sit up on her own after crawling or laying down in her bed. I now find her in her bed sitting up after naps. It's super cute! It's also made her more self-sufficient when playing with toys in the house. Way less winy when she's able to sit up on her own instead of crying for Momma to do it for her!
  • Sawyer still enjoys rocking in her rocking chair and jumping out of it when we hold out our hands to her :)
  • She enjoys feeding herself puffs and lil crunchies, but still isn't crazy about putting table food in her mouth. She will let me feed her bananas, but other than that I stick with baby food and bottles. She isn't crazy about "big people" food yet and it takes a good 20 minutes before she finishes, but we're still working on it!
  • Sawyer just cut her 7th tooth! 7 teeth in 10 months! From what I've heard from others, that's something of a phenomenon!
  • Sawyer has learned to clap and it's so cute! She smiles while clapping and seems to think it is so fun! I love it, too! :)
  • She dances bobs up and down when music plays. Especially when I play "I'm Elmo and I know it" You can watch it HERE - totally worth it!
  • Sawyer is wearing mostly 6-9 month clothing, with a few 3-6 month thrown in a few places. 
  • She wears size 2 diapers and they fit well.
  • Sawyer loves bath time more and more. I think she is going to be a little fish in the water this summer. I can't wait to see her splashing around in a pool!
  • Sawyer has started "going to people" by holding her hands out to them or holding them up to be picked up. It's cute. :)
  • Sawyer says 4 words well. Her best is "bye bye" and she waves most of the time. She says "ma ma" to me and will say it while crawling to me and getting in my lap. She also says it and raises her hands for me to pick her up. She also says "da da" and will say it to Casey or when he walks in the room. She also says "God." I didn't teach it to her, because when I talk to her I say "Jesus" not "God," but she still says it all the time. It was funny because the other night she was saying it non-stop at church. Haha!
  • She has become a huge Momma's girl this month! It was almost overnight! I think it was around disciple now weekend (February 3-5). Casey was gone a lot that weekend and suddenly he came home and Sawyer was crying for me to hold her and would almost jump out of his arms! Don't get me wrong, she loves her daddy, but right now she loves her momma more ;) I don't mind right now because I've heard that toddlers go through a big daddy phase, so I'm relishing in this right now. :)
  • She finally has enough hair this month to put a real bow in it and not just a head band! I think it's super cute, but I have to wet her hair down first to get it in because usually her hair sticks up all around like a little duckling. It's so fine and blonde like a baby duck, so that's what I think of. :)
  • Sawyer is still a super happy baby and I get compliments on good-naturedness all the time. She'll give any stranger a big ole smile and I love it. :)
Sawyer's Weight Progression: 
9 months - 16 lbs 2 oz
10 months - 17 lbs 6 oz

Here's our 10 month old cutie!!
What a joy you are, Sawyer! Your Daddy & I say that we didn't feel like anything was missing before you came along, but now that you're here it's like our life is complete, and we didn't even know it wasn't. We love you sooooo much!

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