Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sick Baby :(

Sawyer is sick and I hate it! It's just awful to watch your poor little baby hurt and not even be able to verbalize it. She has gone to the doctor 3 times in 3 weeks. I hope we don't have to make it a 4th time.

Basically, 2 weeks ago we took Sawyer in for an extremely runny/stuffy nose, cough, and pulling at her ears. She was diagnosed with an ear infection in her left ear. She was given an RSV test that came back negative, but he still prescribed nasal sprays for her allergies as well as antibiotic for her ears.

She took the antibiotic for 10 days and we still give her the nasal spray daily.

She seemed to get well after a week and we took her back in for her 9 month check up. She was on the up and up and he seemed pleased with her progress at that visit.

6 days later she started coughing again, but it was worse. She has coughed all night long for 2 nights. The first night she coughed and cried. Last night she slept well, but still coughed all night. The runny nose started back up yesterday and her cough was a lot worse this morning. She had fever yesterday and today and I decided to stay home with her today. We went to the doctor at 3pm and left at 4:30. While we were there they gave her another RSV test that came back negative. He dug deep into her ears and got huge chunks of wax out of it - this is what started her crying. It was obvious that it hurt really really bad. I have never seen her scream like that in her 9 months! It took her about 10 minutes to calm down from that afterward and that is just not typical for her. I hated it. After that they gave her a breathing treatment because she was wheezing and coughing so much. She didn't mind that at first. She almost seemed amused with the mask on her face, but after a little while you could see her getting agitated again and she screamed and started trying to jump off the table and out of my lap, etc. trying to get the mask off of her face. I am so worried that she is going to start hating the doctor's office! Today was an awful visit. Her doctor is so nice, but he had to be stern with holding her down and stuff and so did I. Not fun. :( I told Casey that next time she is sick he gets to go because I couldn't hardly take it! When it was all over I got in the car and called him crying.

Poor Sawyer. She throws a fit every time we try to give her medicine now. 3 times a day is too much for a little baby. Not to mention an additional time with the nasal sprays. She is so tired of it all! I don't blame her. :( I hate being the one to hold her down or force her mouth open. I wish she was old enough to realize it is all for her own well-being.

Anyway, the doctor said she may have another ear infection and that she is probably going to have to get tubes since this is her 3rd or 4th one in 9 months. :(  He also said she has bronchial…something. I can't remember the term. If she doesn't get better soon we are supposed to take her back to the doctor. He said she is at risk of getting pneumonia and that we should also watch for vomiting or high fever. Also, I am supposed to pay attention to the cough and make sure she doesn't get short of breath. Her wheezing hasn't been that bad, but if it gets worse I am supposed to do the breathing treatments multiple times in an hour.

I just hope she gets better quickly!! And that the weather stops changing so much! Everytime there's a drastic change she gets sick. I don't care if it's hot or cold as long as it's consistent!

Please pray for my sweet Sawyer Grace. I just want her to be healthy and happy.


  1. Hey- I can totally relate to all of this and it sucks having a baby so scared of the doctor... Lola still is terrified. I refuse to hold her down now. I will say the only doctor she does well with and I really, really like him is Dr. Antony in Rowlett who is an ear, nose, and throat doctor. He is great and I would highly suggest taking Sawyer there if you thought it was her ears. He is really gentle and wasn't too happy about (although he was very careful what he said) how they treated Lola when she had bad ear infections. He doesn't make you hold down your baby and he only needs a split second to see even when real waxy because he has really good instruments. I highly recommend him. Hope Sawyer gets on the up and up real quick! The breathing treatments have really helped us along with delsym... don't know if Sawyer can take that so young though :( Poor thing!

  2. Poor thing...hate hearing about sick little ones:( Allergy meds really help with both of our boys and the constant weather change. Starts out with sneezing/sniffles/watery eyes, then comes the coughing/wheezing, followed by ear infections EVERY time. I really hope the breathing treatments clear up the junk going on in her little body, and pray that she stears clear of pneumonia. Hang in there, it's equally hard on us mommies when they're so sick!


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