Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Nine Month Old Sawyer Grace

Sawyer is 9 months old!!!! This was a pretty big milestone for her because as of yesterday (a day before her 9 month birthday) she started crawling! She really kind of started on December 30th, but it was so sparse and off and on I am counting it official as of January 13, 2012. :) I have two vidoes from today that I will post so you can watch. She looks pretty uncoordinated, but she is definitely moving across the room for stuff!

  • Sawyer sleeps like a rock star. She continues to amaze me with her sleeping habits. This past week she was sick and has 2 teeth coming in and she woke up a little earlier each morning than usual, but still slept at least 7 hours before waking up and even then she just needed to be fed a little or comforted and then right back to sleep! 
  • She is crawling!!! She loves to go after certain things (the computer, my phone, the remote, etc.) so we put those things in front of her to get her motivated ;)
  • Sawyer is grabbing anything and everything! I am having to really keep my eye on her especially now that she rolls and crawls to get wherever she wants! She will dive off of the couch for something if I let her. She knows no fear.
  • She "rocks" in her little Sawyer-sized rocking chair and then jumps out for me when I hold out my hands and say jump! It is so cute! I must video this soon. 
  • Sawyer eats all baby food (including the meats now), puffs, yogurt melts, baby cookies, and now I am starting to feed her real table food (ie. a mushy banana)
  • Sawyer likes to feed herself finger foods and is really quick to put the food in her mouth as soon as I put it on her tray!
  • She still takes around 4 or 5 8oz bottles a day.
  • Sawyer has SIX teeth!! Holy Moly!!! She has the top 4 middle teeth and bottom 2 middle teeth. Goodness gracious the girl can bite.
  • She is really wearing age appropriate clothes now! I just retired her 3 month onesies yesterday and 6 month onesies fit her well and 6-9 months in pretty much anything else. She still wears size 1 shoes (sometimes size 2 will stay on without falling off)
  • She just started on size 2 diapers this week, but only because we ran out of size 1! We soon realized that size 2 were allowing too many leaks so we went and bought one more package of size 1. I think the 2's will work when we run out of the 1's we have.
  • Sawyer still loves bathtime. She is obsessed with her bath squirt toys. Sometimes I think she makes a mess just so she can have a bath! :)
  • Sawyer is starting to babble new sounds and words, but "bye-bye" is still her favorite!
  • Sawyer got a jumperoo for Christmas and loves it to death! She jumps non-stop and squeals while she is in it. She's hilarious to watch!
  • Sawyer is still as sweet as ever. Always giving people a smile and just generally happy. I love it!
Sawyer's Weight Progression:
8 months - 15 lbs 4 oz
9 months - 16 lbs 2 oz

Loving her in the overalls :)
And here are a couple of videos of her crawling!

Love you more and more sweet girl.

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