My baby girl is growing up before my very eyes! I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. Casey and I get up every morning and marvel over the fact that she looks different again. How can she look different in a matter of only a few hours?
- Sawyer is already focusing her eyes on you and will turn her head when she hears someone's voice - particularly her Momma's ;)
- She is a champ at holding her head up when she is the burping position against someone's chest.
- She does tummy time daily and rolled over when she was 15 days old on April 29th! She hasn't rolled over again, but that's okay with me because she's growing up too fast anyway :)
- She LOVES looking around the room and when awake she will cry if she can't see around the room.
- She is enjoying bath time, mainly when we pour a cup of water over her
- She has started making a few cooing and "ah"ing noises - especially when being talked to and played with
- When I make funny noises she bugs her eyes and out and seems fascinated with the new sounds
- Something we laugh at a lot is her intense face when she is trying to toot, haha. She pulls her legs up and makes the funniest face…and then lets it lose! :)
- Sawyer has begun to do a little grin when she is in a good mood - LOVE it.
Sawyer's weight progression:
At birth - 5 lbs 12 oz.
1 week old - 5 lbs 9 oz.
2 weeks old - 6 lbs 4 oz
3 weeks old - 7 lbs even
4 weeks old - 7 lbs 1 oz
5 weeks old -7 lbs 10 oz
Isn't she a cutie?!
I never knew I could love you this much little girl. Your first month of life has flown by, and I could not be more grateful that you're mine!
You are such an awesome Mommy! I love reading about how Sawyer is growing!