Casey & I ventured out onto the lake for the first time this year! The weather was pretty great, just a little windy. We stayed on the north side of the lake because it's always a bit smoother. Sawyer stayed with my mom and she, my Momma Sheila, & Uncle Russell took her shopping and out to eat to El Chico! This was her first time to ride with someone other than Casey or I so I was a little nervous, but she was in good hands, of course! :)
Anyway, the water was still cold so we didn't get in, but we just dangled our feet off the swim deck of the boat. The water usually takes until June to warm up enough to get in. That's just a few days from now though! We had fun laying out, reading books, and eating our lunch (sandwiches, strawberries, and cherries!) that my mom packed us! I got to wear my new "boat hat," too! I love it! :)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sawyer's Nursery
We started Sawyer's nursery the day after Christmas - December 26, 2010 and finally finished it in early April! We did several things in this room…we painted it two different colors or pink, put up the chair rail and painted it creme, took down the ceiling fan and put in the chandelier, put the light on a dimmer switch, took a mirror (from Ross) out of it's frame and painted it creme, painted a brass curtain rod creme, repainted and reupholstered the glider and ottoman as well as my old rocking chair from when I was a little girl.
Here are some pictures of Sawyer's room - it's girly and pink for sure! :)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
My One Month Old Sawyer Grace
My baby girl is growing up before my very eyes! I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. Casey and I get up every morning and marvel over the fact that she looks different again. How can she look different in a matter of only a few hours?
- Sawyer is already focusing her eyes on you and will turn her head when she hears someone's voice - particularly her Momma's ;)
- She is a champ at holding her head up when she is the burping position against someone's chest.
- She does tummy time daily and rolled over when she was 15 days old on April 29th! She hasn't rolled over again, but that's okay with me because she's growing up too fast anyway :)
- She LOVES looking around the room and when awake she will cry if she can't see around the room.
- She is enjoying bath time, mainly when we pour a cup of water over her
- She has started making a few cooing and "ah"ing noises - especially when being talked to and played with
- When I make funny noises she bugs her eyes and out and seems fascinated with the new sounds
- Something we laugh at a lot is her intense face when she is trying to toot, haha. She pulls her legs up and makes the funniest face…and then lets it lose! :)
- Sawyer has begun to do a little grin when she is in a good mood - LOVE it.
Sawyer's weight progression:
At birth - 5 lbs 12 oz.
1 week old - 5 lbs 9 oz.
2 weeks old - 6 lbs 4 oz
3 weeks old - 7 lbs even
4 weeks old - 7 lbs 1 oz
5 weeks old -7 lbs 10 oz
Isn't she a cutie?!
I never knew I could love you this much little girl. Your first month of life has flown by, and I could not be more grateful that you're mine!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Casey Coats, Th.M.
Casey finished his degree at Dallas Theological Seminary in December, 2010. However, DTS only holds their graduation in the Spring, so on May 7th Casey officially graduated! :) It was a fun weekend! We started it off by going to the graduation BBQ at DTS on Friday night with Casey's parents! We had some yummy Sonny Bryan's Barbeque and then headed over to the little petting zoo - there were goats, bunnies, pot belly pigs, ducks, & chickens! Have you ever heard of ducks and chickens in a petting zoo?! We thought it was odd. There were also pony rides! Part of me wished that Sawyer was old enough to do those things, but then I realized that I want her to stay small a bit longer! :)
Poppy & Sawyer checking out all of the animals
Proud Grandparents
The next day, we (Casey, Sawyer, & I) made it to Prestonwood Baptist Church (that's where DTS holds their graduation ceremonies) at 8:30am. Graduation didn't start until 10, but Casey had to take a class picture and get directions, etc. I saved seats for his family and played with Sawyer until everyone arrived. Casey's fan base consisted of me, Sawyer, his mom, dad, and sister!Can you pick Casey out of the crowd?
These are the graduates taking their class picture.
Now can you find him? :) It's like a game of Where's Waldo!
How about now?
I'll give you a hint - he's wearing blue!
What Sawyer did during the graduation :)
I took this picture of the big screen when Casey was walking down the aisle!
The speaker, Dennis Rainey
more sleeping :)
Casey getting his diploma! (Not really - his was mailed to him back in December!:)
Jeremiah getting his diploma!
To brag on him a bit…he graduated with honors!
Way to go, babe!
Way to go, babe!
Coats family of 3 :)
The original Coats family!
the whole gang!
most importantly…the financial contributors ;)
proud wifey!
Aunt Stephanie with Sawyer - she was 3 weeks old here
Casey & Jeremiah - they went to UT together and then DTS together!
…and one with the wives!
That evening we had Casey's graduation party at our houset!! It was a lot of fun! For food we had hamburgers, hot dogs, Mitch's delicious french fries, chips & dip, and cake! For fun we had corn hole - a game you play with bean bags (actually the bags are filled with corn and that's how it got it's name…which I just learned for the first time!)! There were about 50 people at our house, so luckily we have a big backyard! :)Lauren & Sawyer - she sat there holding her for a long time!
Alycia's first time to meet Sawyer :)
Laura K & Aubrey K
At one point most all of the women and children were inside and all the men outside!
It was kind of funny that we separated ourselves like that!
Playing corn hole!
Mitch at the "fry station"
Casey's gifts!
The party boy giving me a "I don't want my picture made" look!
Some of my pretty friends:)
Laura, Ginni, & Jennifer
and then we added another pretty girl, Melina!
just hanging out
changing Sawyer's diaper, haha!
Ginni with Sawyer, Lauren, Alycia, & Kane!
Barbara & Bob Wood and Craig Kilgore came, too!
Funny story - Joshua McDill (4 years old) came out of the house looking for his mom because he couldn't get his pants back up from being in the restroom - he ran around the yard after he figured out that we all thought he was hilarious! It was really cute :)
Aubrey was so cute with Sawyer! When she came in she asked where Sawyer was and then later that night we let her hold her. She kept calling her "baby" over and over. One time my mom came over and touched Sawyer's head and Aubrey said very seriously, "Don't touch the baby!" It was so funny!
SUCH a cute picture :)
She also put her pacifier back in when it fell out - so sweet :)
Mimi & Sawyer!
The Laurens :)
Congratulations, babe! You are loved!
Ps. Isn't the cake so funny? I knew he'd like being called "Master Casey" :)