Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Miss Sawyer Grace Coats

The second love of my life has arrived! Her name is Sawyer Grace Coats and she was born at 1:42pm on April 14, 2011. She weighed 5 pounds and 12 ounces and measured at 19 3/4 inches. She has a head full of light brown hair and dark blue eyes that look brown at a glance. She has a sweet button nose and the longest fingers and toes! She has her mommy's wrinkly ears and long, monkey arms. We also think she has her daddy's forehead. :) 

She likes to sleep with her arms up above her head if not swaddled in a blanket for naps. She already gives us cute smiles and alertly looks around the room! She eats every 2 to 3 hours and rarely cries unless she is hungry. For now she sleeps in her bassinet next to our bed and likes to lay in her swing in the living room while Mommy folds clothes or cleans up during the day. She is a good eater and a good sleeper! She doesn't like getting her diaper changed and she doesn't really like tummy time either, but we're working on it any way. :)

We love her to death. She is cuter than I ever imagined and sweeter, too!

Meet Miss Sawyer

1 comment:

  1. aahhh yay! Sweet Sawyer's first of many posts! Love her!


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