Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 36

Week 36 - only 4 weeks left to go!

the weight of a crenshaw melon

Sawyer is about 6 pounds right now and around 18 1/2 inches long.

Baby Changes (Source: www.babycenter.com)
Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (exactly what Dr. Payne said at my appointment today!) (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement. At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position (She is!). But if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.
Best Moment this Week
My doctor's appointment today was awesome. I love my doctor. He is greatness - he gave me my 6th sonogram. That is completely abnormal - most people only get about 2 sonograms! Anyway, Casey came to this appointment and the doctor said all of my last tests have come back great (no antibiotics needed, etc). He felt around on my stomach and said "we have a small baby!" He asked if we wanted to see her and of course I said "yes!" haha! Sawyer is head down and is about 6 pounds. Dr. Payne's guess is that she'll be about 7 1/2 pounds at delivery. I think I can handle that. :) I was 7 lbs and 7 oz and Casey was 7 lbs and some odd ounces, too (can't remember how many ounces he was, but I weighed more). Since when is 7 lb 7 oz a small baby though? I think it sounds average. Maybe babies are bigger though and that's why he said she was small. I think it's a good size. :) Oh, and also, she is still a girl! ;) Heehee. 

Miss Sawyer Grace Coats <3

Sawyer is moving a little less since it is more crowded, but she is still giving me some hard punches/kicks. :)

Food Craving
cravings had slowed down…still like milk because it helps soothe my acid reflux.

sleeping pretty well right now - taking some naps and still sleeping through the night with about 1 restroom break a night;)

What I am looking forward to
I have a baby shower on Saturday and Thursday!! YAY! I am also getting my maternity pictures on CD tomorrow and am excited to see them all! :)

swollen feet and hands (finally got my wedding ring off in the shower!), having to use the restroom way too much (day & night), and pretty bad acid reflux!

I have gained a total of 30 pounds during this pregnancy. I still have about 3 1/2 weeks left so if I gain about a pound a week then I'll be happy! :) I am proud of myself for staying right around my goal (my goal was 30).

To Do

  • -rearrange/settle nursery furniture after glider/ottoman is recovered (I bought a glider/ottoman from a friend, repainted it, and now am waiting to get the cushions back with their new light pink fabric!) -check!
  • -scrapbook my pregnancy
  • -continue filling out Sawyer's baby book
  • -hang Sawyer's curtain and things on the wall in the nursery - check!
  • -get both cars detailed and washed - got myself a new car that is as clean as it gets, so unless it gets dirty, one car is done!
  • -install car seat base in my car
  • -clean out the garage - check!
  • -wash Sawyer's sheets and clothes
  • -get carpet cleaned at home
  • -have garage sale
  • -pack hospital bag :)
  • -put stroller together - check ~Casey!
  • -put pack-n-play together - check ~ Casey!
  • -hang up all baby clothes
  • -hang things on nursery wall
  • -order thank you cards (I got some special ones - you'll see:) - check!
  • -write thank you cards

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