We decided to make oven-fried chicken parmesan and homemade mashed potatoes (which I had never done before!) Click the link to find the chicken parmesan recipe - it's a "cooking light" recipe so it kind of healthy!
Mashing the potatoes - Lauren's mom told her to buy 6 potatoes and after my convincing we only bought 4, but there were still wayyy too many! I kept saying it was potatoes for 50! Haha. We still have some left over in the fridge!
Our mess!
The chicken baking - the reason it is in a skillet is because you cook it on the stove for a few minutes before baking. I kept forgetting the handle was hot and grabbed it not once, but TWO times!!
Lucy hoping that some food would be dropped…I did "drop" her some cheese every now and then ;)
The final product and man was it yummy!
I had a whole chicken, Lauren had half, my mom had half, and Casey had 2! (There was another one that is not shown in this picture!)
My first bowl of homemade mashed potatoes - they were also yummy and very creamy! I got 2 thumbs up from Casey, which is really saying something since he is so picky! :)
Well, that's all from this month's cooking class…we've done this a couple times now so next time I'll try to remember to share as well! :)
yay!!! =)