Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 36

Week 36 - only 4 weeks left to go!

the weight of a crenshaw melon

Sawyer is about 6 pounds right now and around 18 1/2 inches long.

Baby Changes (Source: www.babycenter.com)
Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds (exactly what Dr. Payne said at my appointment today!) (like a crenshaw melon) and is more than 18 1/2 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement. At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Full-term is 37 to 42 weeks; babies born before 37 weeks are pre-term and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position (She is!). But if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.
Best Moment this Week
My doctor's appointment today was awesome. I love my doctor. He is greatness - he gave me my 6th sonogram. That is completely abnormal - most people only get about 2 sonograms! Anyway, Casey came to this appointment and the doctor said all of my last tests have come back great (no antibiotics needed, etc). He felt around on my stomach and said "we have a small baby!" He asked if we wanted to see her and of course I said "yes!" haha! Sawyer is head down and is about 6 pounds. Dr. Payne's guess is that she'll be about 7 1/2 pounds at delivery. I think I can handle that. :) I was 7 lbs and 7 oz and Casey was 7 lbs and some odd ounces, too (can't remember how many ounces he was, but I weighed more). Since when is 7 lb 7 oz a small baby though? I think it sounds average. Maybe babies are bigger though and that's why he said she was small. I think it's a good size. :) Oh, and also, she is still a girl! ;) Heehee. 

Miss Sawyer Grace Coats <3

Sawyer is moving a little less since it is more crowded, but she is still giving me some hard punches/kicks. :)

Food Craving
cravings had slowed down…still like milk because it helps soothe my acid reflux.

sleeping pretty well right now - taking some naps and still sleeping through the night with about 1 restroom break a night;)

What I am looking forward to
I have a baby shower on Saturday and Thursday!! YAY! I am also getting my maternity pictures on CD tomorrow and am excited to see them all! :)

swollen feet and hands (finally got my wedding ring off in the shower!), having to use the restroom way too much (day & night), and pretty bad acid reflux!

I have gained a total of 30 pounds during this pregnancy. I still have about 3 1/2 weeks left so if I gain about a pound a week then I'll be happy! :) I am proud of myself for staying right around my goal (my goal was 30).

To Do

  • -rearrange/settle nursery furniture after glider/ottoman is recovered (I bought a glider/ottoman from a friend, repainted it, and now am waiting to get the cushions back with their new light pink fabric!) -check!
  • -scrapbook my pregnancy
  • -continue filling out Sawyer's baby book
  • -hang Sawyer's curtain and things on the wall in the nursery - check!
  • -get both cars detailed and washed - got myself a new car that is as clean as it gets, so unless it gets dirty, one car is done!
  • -install car seat base in my car
  • -clean out the garage - check!
  • -wash Sawyer's sheets and clothes
  • -get carpet cleaned at home
  • -have garage sale
  • -pack hospital bag :)
  • -put stroller together - check ~Casey!
  • -put pack-n-play together - check ~ Casey!
  • -hang up all baby clothes
  • -hang things on nursery wall
  • -order thank you cards (I got some special ones - you'll see:) - check!
  • -write thank you cards

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sneak Peek

For a sneak peek of our maternity pictures go to www.southernmagnoliaphoto.blogspot.com I will post more when I get them! :)

Friday, March 25, 2011


Yep. There really is something to it. For some reason, I come home exhausted from work, but still feel like cleaning the house and organizing. I've had my hand in a few projects in the last couple of months. We completely cleaned out the kitchen by taking everything out of every drawer and cabinet - even the ones above the refrigerator that no one ever gets into! If you know me very well, you know that I tend to "save" things. I don't think I'm nearly as bad a pack-rat as a lot of people I know, but Casey seems to think I'm pretty awful. When commercials come on for Peter Walsh's show It's Enough Already (about severe hoarding) he always says "your show is on!" Haha!

So, after clearing out the kitchen cabinets and drawers I had two boxes of things to sell and donate. I also have a much handier "utility drawer" as I like to call it…you know, the drawer that has a flashlight, 2 screwdrivers (one flathead and one Phillips), a measuring tape, scotch tape, scissors, matches, batteries, etc. It is now organized and I know where to go when I quickly need one of these things. Everyone needs an organized catch-all drawer, but it's only good if it doesn't "catch" too much - and ours had been catching too much before we cleaned it out. We also now have a lightbulb basket in the laundry room because those were just clogging up the utility drawer like crazy!

Also on my list to do was to finish cleaning out Sawyer's closet and combining it with the guest bedroom closet. Sawyer's closet is organized and cleaned out, and all of the junk from that room went straight into the guest bedroom closet. We, I guess I mean I (since all the junk seems to be mine), had to do a lot of cleaning out to make this happen. We bought a 4-shelf wire rack from Office Depot to help organize all the stuff we had. At the top of the closet I have all of my extra dishes and a few decorative items that aren't out all of the time, as well as several boxes of pictures that I need to scan and put into photo albums. At the bottom of the closet we have our DVD stand, my scrapbooking stuff, our new wakeboard, my wedding dress, and other random things like that. It still needs to be cleaned out a little more, but now it is at least manageable!

The last thing on my list was cleaning out the garage! We have done this several times since we've moved into our house. In the beginning it was filled with junk and only my car was able to be parked in the garage. Last year we fixed that and de-cluttered enough to park both cars in the garage! Now it is pretty much completely clutter free, except for a few small shelves that could stand to be reorganized, but for the most part it is perfect! It's exciting to know that our garage is so organized. I know that this not the case for a lot of people and it certainly wasn't the case at my house growing up!

Casey even got into the attic and placed new boards down so that there is more room to store stuff! He was proud of his project. Besides the obvious holiday decor, there are boxes of his college and seminary books in the attic. Those were some of the things of his that had to be moved out of Sawyer's room (it use to be the office). A lot of the books went to Half Price Books, but the ones he couldn't part with went into the attic in hopes of an office someday either at the church or at our next house. 

If you're wondering about our master closet - it's perfected about 6 times a year when I make Casey help me sweep through, and we get rid of clothes and shoes. This last time we also went through all of our dresser and chest drawers. Our master bed and bath are probably the least cluttered rooms in our home…well, actually so is the living room, formal living room, and dining room. I guess it's always the spare closets and kitchen that I pack full of stuff, but not anymore! My days of clutter are over! *Side note: I hear it is hard to get rid of your baby's things…so I'm hope I'm strong enough to keep her room and things clutter-free as well.

Also as a part of my nesting I've found myself constantly doing the following tasks: taking out the trash, doing the dishes, vacuuming, touch-up painting random marks on the walls, and rearranging things in the nursery. I know that sounds like stuff I should be doing anyway, but I've just been doing it a lot more…and more often than it "needs" to be done. I think I am just getting to where I want it neat and tidy all the time…which isn't a bad thing in my opinion. :)

I guess it's true that having a baby really does make you "nest" and want to have your home in order before he or she gets there! I hope that when the time comes, and I rush off to the hospital (if I indeed do have to rush) that all is in order at home because I think it will just make for a much better and less-stressful homecoming.

Well, it's Friday and it's also disciple now weekend at c|Life so I have a busy weekend ahead! It's going to be fun though and I am excited! :)

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 35

Week 35 - only 5 weeks left to go!

weight of a honeydew melon

over 18 inches long and 5 1/4 pounds!

Baby Changes (Source: www.babycenter.com)
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (pick up a honeydew melon). Because it's so snug in your womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.

Best Moment this Week
I had my first baby shower on Saturday and maternity pictures on Thursday! My baby shower was absolutely stunning, and I had 6 amazing hostesses that made it a beautiful event and a wonderful time! I am a lucky girl! :)

Miss Sawyer Grace Coats<3

I can tell she is running out of room because she is still kicking but there is definitely less big movement now. I wonder how she will move around for the next 5 weeks?!

Food Craving
icecream still (with milk, cookies, and chocolate syrup) Yum! :)

really sleepy all the time thanks to having to get up several times in the night to use the restroom…also I wake up really hot and sweaty. I am thinking I am going to have to crank up the air conditioning while we sleep because we already have the fan on high!

What I am looking forward to
getting the pictures back from our maternity shoot!!! Also, my next shower is April 2 (my birthday)!

swollen feet and hands, using the restroom wayyy too many times (day & night), feeling hotter than normal, and acid reflux!

I had my doctor's appointment on Tuesday and so far I have gained 28 lbs! I have only gained a pound in the last 2 weeks which I thought was crazy because I feel like I look a lot bigger.

To Do

  • -rearrange/settle nursery furniture after glider/ottoman is recovered (I bought a glider/ottoman from a friend, repainted it, and now am waiting to get the cushions back with their new light pink fabric!) - check! ~ I got the chair cushions back tonight and they look great! I also got my own baby rocking chair recovered and it looks very cute :)
  • -scrapbook my pregnancy
  • -continue filling out Sawyer's baby book
  • -hang Sawyer's curtain and things on the wall in the nursery - check!
  • -get both cars detailed and washed - got myself a new car that is as clean as it gets, so unless it gets dirty, one car is done!
  • -install car seat base in my car
  • -clean out the garage - check!
  • -wash Sawyer's sheets and clothes
  • -get carpet cleaned at home
  • -have garage sale
  • -pack hospital bag :)
  • -put stroller together - check ~Casey!
  • -put pack-n-play together - check ~ Casey!
  • -hang up all baby clothes
  • -hang things on nursery wall
  • -write thank you cards
I'm not a big fan of this picture…it was taken in the morning and I think I look funny. Oh well. Here's my week 35 picture!
My first baby shower post to come! :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Garden is Back!

We have planted the garden -- actually I should say Casey planted it. I was no help this year. I can hardly bend over, much less dig a whole! Haha! We have some new additions in the garden this year. Last year we had 2 jalapeno plants, a green bell pepper plant, tomato plants, a strawberry plant, and cucumber seeds. Last year all went well except the strawberry plant. This year we have planted carrot seeds, sweet banana pepper seeds, 1 jalapeno plant, 1 green bell pepper, 1 red bell pepper, 2 tomato plants, cucumber seeds, and a watermelon plant! It will be fun to watch them grow! It is especially neat to watch the seeds sprout up - last year the cucumber seeds took over and we had tons of cucumbers. Another big "hit" were the jalapeno plants, so that's why we only got one of those plants this year. I'll be sure to update you on our veggie growing! :)
If you're wondering what the big brown rock is at the back…it shocks Lucy if she gets close to the garden. Don't worry, she no longer goes close to the garden ;)
I know the tomato plants are small now, but they grow taller than the tomato ladders around them!!
Happy Gardening!

Week 34

Week 34

weight of a cantaloupe!

4 3/4 pounds and almost 18 inches long!

Baby Changes (Source: www.babycenter.com)
Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds (like your average cantaloupe) and is almost 18 inches long. Her fat layers — which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born — are filling her out, making her rounder. Her skin is also smoother than ever. Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you've been nervous aboutpreterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies.

Best Moment this Week
Well, the week just started, but I am sure I am going to have lots of great times since it is spring break! :) I have plans to run errands with my mom Monday and Tuesday, maternity pictures on Thursday, and baby shower on Saturday! I am super excited! :)

GIRL! Sawyer Grace:)

kicking me like crazy!!

Food Craving
icecream still :)

not been sleeping very well this week since I've gotten a head cold…my nose it stopped up and I am tossing and turning at night.

What I am looking forward to
Thursday we're getting our maternity pictures done and Saturday night I have my first baby shower!! :)

sore throat, stuffy nose, swollen hands and feet

I will go back to the doctor again on March 22nd, but my guess is that I've gained about 29 pounds.

To Do
  • -rearrange/settle nursery furniture after glider/ottoman is recovered (I bought a glider/ottoman from a friend, repainted it, and now am waiting to get the cushions back with their new light pink fabric!)
  • -scrapbook my pregnancy
  • -continue filling out Sawyer's baby book
  • -hang Sawyer's curtain and things on the wall in the nursery
  • -get both cars detailed and washed - got myself a new car that is as clean as it gets, so unless it gets dirty, one car is done!
  • -clean out the garage - check!
  • -wash Sawyer's sheets and clothes
  • -get carpet cleaned at home
  • -have garage sale
  • -pack hospital bag :)
I think I'm getting quite large - she's really starting to poke out there, don't you think?!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Week 33

Week 33

the weight of a pineapple
This week Sawyer weighs a little over 4 pounds and has passed the 17-inch mark.

Baby Changes (Source: www.babycenter.com)
This week your baby is rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and her skeleton is hardening. The bones in her skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for her to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as her brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

Best Moment this Week
going to the doctor today and hearing Sawyer's little heartbeat:) Also, a friend gave us a bunch of cute little girl clothes and it was very neat to look through them and hang up a lot of them in Sawyer's closet :)

GIRL! Sawyer Grace:)

Sawyer is head down and kicking me in the ribs all the time :)

Food Craving
MILK, ice cream, apples, popcorn & jalapenos

sleeping hard, but having to get up to use the restroom pretty much every single night!

What I am looking forward to
maternity pictures next week (they got rained out this past weekend!) and my first baby shower on March 19th!! :)

was having bad acid reflux, but Tums have helped to remedy that :) Now I just have to use the restroom all the time… ;)

I went to my doctor's appointment today, and I have gained 27 pounds total! Whew! In the last couple of weeks I have gained about 2 pounds a week…so if I continue at this pace, I will gain 41 pounds when it's all said and done…WOW! Haha. As long as I can lose it, I don't care, but I pray that I will in fact be able to lose it. Haha!!

To Do
I have added this new category so that I can check things off as I finish it. I am a sucker for to do lists! :) Here are some things I can think of right now that I'd like to accomplish before Sawyer arrives:
-rearrange/settle nursery furniture after glider/ottoman is recovered (I bought a glider/ottoman from a friend, repainted it, and now am waiting to get the cushions back with their new light pink fabric!)
-scrapbook my pregnancy
-continue filling out Sawyer's baby book
-hang Sawyer's curtain and things on the wall in the nursery
-get both cars detailed and washed
-clean out the garage
-wash Sawyer's sheets and clothes
-get carpet cleaned at home
-have garage sale
-pack hospital bag :)

I am sure I am forgetting important things here - if you are a mom and know of something that I am likely to forget, please leave a comment!! :)