Did I seriously forget to blog about this?! How is that possible? It is by far one of the most fun things I have done since being pregnant. I was kind of against this in the beginning because it feels very narcissistic and no one cares if you're baby is a boy or a girl as much as you do…but in the end, I thought it would be fun and good memory so we did it (after talking Casey into it)! On November 17th Casey and I went in to get our free 3D sonogram! Our doctor volunteers at a Christian clinic once a month where they do free 3D sonograms in order to talk women into keeping their babies - it's basically the opposite of a Planned Parenthood. *Side note: I love that my doctor is a Christian man that sees the value of human life. Anyway, he told us to come in on this day for a free 3D which I very much appreciated! At this time he and the sonographer agreed on the baby's gender and the sonographer said they were 99% sure. She even laughed like she was so positive that it was more like 100%, so I kind of thought she must've seen some boy parts:) We didn't look at the screen, and we told them not to tell us. They didn't even talk to each other out loud (the doctor and sonographer)…they just kind of grunted and typed up whatever and then printed the picture. We had them put the picture in an envelope that I brought with a card and the sonographer wrote the baby's gender on their and sealed it. I took the card straight to the bakery and had them make a cake that was either pink or blue on the inside. We had the party the next night (it was so hard to wait that long!), and we had a little over 20 of our friends and family come over for some food and fun! Each person voted whether they thought the baby was going to be a boy or a girl. Girl won - 12 to 9. After counting the votes we decided to cut the cake! It was quite the ordeal for me - I was so nervous to see, especially in front of everyone! I got a couple of videos so I will post them. They make me laugh. :)
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