Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baby's Life in Black & White;)

Our first appointment was September 13th and the baby was a little over 8 weeks! We were able to hear the heartbeat the very first appointment which was very cool! We could even see the heart beating on the screen! I have sighed in relief every sonogram since when I hear that quick little beat! It really is a miracle!!

I thought it looked just like a little gingerbread man!! It is crazy how much it looked like a Christmas cookie:) Don't you think so, too?

Our next appointment was 2 weeks later and baby was 10 weeks…the baby even did a little flip while we were watching it on the screen. This picture wasn't as good as the first time we went, but you can still see his/her little arm buds.
Our appointment today was fantastic! The baby is 14 weeks, 4 days and has grown a ton!! The doctor said everything looks normal and healthy! I think the baby is already cute :)
In the first picture the baby was moving it's arms and legs and the doctor caught the picture right when the leg went in the air. I loved seeing the baby move around - so neat. This is our favorite picture so far! :)
 A picture of the baby's tiny foot and toes!
Baby head on - we said this picture is almost creepy - haha. The baby has both arms up and seems to be saying "let me out!" haha.
Baby touching his/her face 
Still stretching those legs! You can see the thigh, shin, and foot at the top! 
 Another good profile picture - you can see the umbilical cord here as well - it was pulsing with it's heart beat (we were hearing the heart and seeing the umbilical cord move at the same time - very neat).
And another close up of our favorite picture!
Our doctor told us that he volunteers at a pregnancy center once a month and invited us for a FREE 3D/4D sonogram on his next day there - November 17th! We will be able to find out the gender (if the baby cooperates) and our next appointment will be free! I love our doctor - he is a very nice Christian man and you can tell he really likes what he does. He has even told us that he will always do a sonogram because "they're fun" and he knows that's what parents like to see. He has also delivered lots of babies that we know! We even saw my friend Blake Adams on his wall of babies that he's delivered! Blake is my age! Haha!
Anyway, all that to say that today was a fun day and I really enjoyed my appointment! :)


  1. Love love love all the sonogram pics! You are soooo blessed that your doc does a sonogram every time! It is the best part and my doc only did 3 the entire pregnancy! :( The 3D/4D is also sooo neat! We had to pay for our and did it at 30 weeks. it was amazing how much she actually looked like she did when she was born!

    Have you tried cinammon toothpaste yet? It really helped me with the gagging. :) Soooo excited for you and Casey!!!

  2. Lauren! I'm so excited for you guys!!!! I can't wait to keep up with you on your blog.

  3. I love all the sonogram pics=) that is neat to get that! Does your insurance cover all those? just curious, b/c if so that is awesome. Mine will only cover! haha. anyway, well I wanna see some preggo pics of YOU!

  4. That is so amazing that your Dr. does an u/s at every appt. My Dr. with our first pregnancy was pretty generous but now that we are at Scott and White we only get 3.

    I am so happy for you!!! Oh and just a little sidenote... I got some "niceer" yoga/sweat pants from NY&Co. when I was pregnant and still teaching and wore them to work as my "nice" black and grey pants. With a fancy shirt no one could tell the difference and I was as comfy as ever! :)

  5. Oh my goodness! SO cute already! Those are awesome and you guys are going to be such GREAT parents! What a blessed time for you both!


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