Saturday, January 16, 2010

Our Blessings in 2009

A few weeks ago I was reading on Paul McDill's blog about how his family has a tradition around Christmastime where they 'count their blessings'. They go to Blue Mesa as a family and talk about all the things God has done for them that year. Well, I commented on his blog that I was going to make that one of our traditions and I did! While Casey and I were in Austin, waiting to be seated at Chuy's, we went to the car and wrote down all of our blessings from 2009. We have been blessed with so much just in one year! I wish we had written down everything in 2007 and 2008 as well. I know there would've been a ton of things! My plan is to keep our lists and eventually put them into a scrapbook of sorts. That way, in 10, 15, or 20 years our family can look through and see all of God's blessings and provision in our lives. He is so good. How dare us only think of it one time a year. I could probably make a weekly list of blessings. Anyway, here are just a few favorites from 2009!

2009 Coats Family Blessings:

Adopting Lucy from the animal shelter

Free boating this summer on my mom’s boat

Raises at work

Our friendship with Charlie & Ginni Rickerson

Good health for both of us

Relationships with my principal and asst. principal being so much better this school year

Our trip to San Francisco

Being able to do some inexpensive house renovations with help of friends, Steven English, Charlie Rickerson, & Andy Rickerson

No serious car trouble this year

Record-breaking Momentum attendance

Casey’s free ski trip from the church

Cheap scrapbooking desk from Natalie

Lauren’s pokeno nights with girlfriends!

Sold Maddie for the price we paid for her and found her a good home

Kristin Clickner was able to get pregnant again

My mom built a new house for herself in Rockwall

Scott & Erin got married

We have been married for 2 years

Free Stars and Symphony tickets and discounted Mavs tickets from friends or DTS

Casey’s team won the Tin Cup

312 kids at disciple now and many came to know Christ

178 kids at youth camp and several came to know Christ

Lauren learned how to water ski

The Micah Johnson Memorial Tournament was successful in raising money for the youth group

Lauren’s friendship with Lauren Smith was renewed and strengthened

Children and parents at the high school mission trip were saved!

Two of my students (twin girls) from last year started coming to c|Life with their mom & step-dad. The girls both got saved and baptized at our church!!! One of the biggest blessings of the year!

Wow! I told you we were blessed in 2009!
I would love to hear a few of your blessings as well! Feel free to leave them in a comment! =)


  1. I like this idea! I would agree with you - y'all had many blessings in 2009! Also, I'm thankful that our friendship has been renewed and strengthened as well. It would have been on my list too, if I were to make one! :)

  2. having Casey & Lauren as part of my family is one of my blessings for 2009. Especially Lauren

  3. I love that yall did this, such a good idea!! We are so blessed by our friendship with yall and know that there will be many more great times to come!

  4. I'm glad yall had a great year!!! that in itself is a blessing.
    getting to vent to you in emails was a blessing for sure=)
    we'll have to do it when we move, i'll try and make em shorter though;)

  5. I think there is a blessing missing (ha...that rhymes).


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