Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pokeno Pronounced Po-kee-noh

Last weekend me & the girls had our first Pokeno Night! We are having these monthly get togethers on the first Friday of every month. The first month was at my house. Each month, the host chooses how to get the word out (ie. invitations, e-vites, facebook), cooks dinner & dessert, and choose the gift theme. This first month Laura & I co-hosted it. I sent out invitations & made dinner, and Laura brought lots of yummy desserts! I made baked spaghetti from a recipe I got from Brenda at church! It was extra yummy, and we had plenty leftover for Casey to eat (which he has, several times). We decided that the gift would be “anything” this month since it was the first go around. I am already excited about next month! It will be at Natalie’s house on November 6th! If any of you girls out there would like to join, let us know! This month we had a group of 5, but it can be as big as 10, I believe!

Here we are holding up our game boards and cards with our milk and desserts on the table :) I forgot to mention that you put your gift in a paper bag so you can’t be swayed by wrapping paper. Everyone gets a gift. We had some really fun and cute gifts this month! I won an awesome pumpkin spice candle from Jenna! It is burning in my living room as we speak! :)20091002_00021

Playing Pokeno!20091002_0005

We kept putting our cameras on timer and running over to get in the picture! It was pretty funny!20091002_00041

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Pokeno Night!! Thanks for hosting it, it was so much fun! I like how I am bending my knees to look shorter and Natalie and on her toes to look taller, ha ha.


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