Monday, August 3, 2009

What more could you ask for?

As most of you know, Casey is the youth minister at our church in Forney, Community Life Church, better known as cLife. Our Wednesday night youth service is called Momentum. Tomorrow night will be there first night that the new 7th graders (last year's 6th graders) are invited to Momentum! It starts at 7pm.

Anyway, two weeks ago, the teenagers did an awesome skit, and I was so moved I had to take a picture to remember it! Casey said that he felt like it was one of the best youth services yet, and I agree! Not because of himself (although he is awesome:), but because of the kids. They are greatness.

First let me back up just a the service the week before, Casey asked the students to write things in their life that they wanted to be rid of on cards. Fast forward....this week he during his talk he nailed the rest of the cards on a cross.


Then, after he was done talking, the band played a really good song (it was new, and I don't remember the name of it), and several kids dressed in black got up and started painting on 5, big, white canvases. At first you couldn't tell what they were painting, but then towards the end you could kind of see. At the very end a girl came by and splattered the red on all of the paintings and made it obvious. After that, all of the kids held them all up like you see in the picture.

I almost cried. When you really think of what Jesus did on that cross and all that he went through, it is incrediblly moving.

While the kids were holding up the paintings, Casey came and put the cross with all of the kids cards on it in front.

Moving again. When I think of why Jesus did that it blows my mind. He did it for us. He did it for me. He did it for my sin that is nailed to that cross.

I was also proud of the kids. It is very neat as an adult to go and be so moved at a youth service. They truly know how to worship. And they are awesome in dramas and the artsy stuff (some would say more than adults!).

Here are a couple of pictures.
I took this one after the service so you could see it better.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


  1. O Wow! That is awesome! Some very talented kids!

  2. 1. cute header!- I like it much better than the last one! haha! :)
    2. very cool skit thing! did they paint those pictures on the spot??
    3. God IS good! :)

  3. That is really neat! I think it is so cool when people can do art like that and incorporate it into worship. It looks like you guys have some really talented artists! Very neat, sounds like Casey is very 'engaging' too=)....(teacher word!) lol.


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