Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Power of Prayer

Good grief today was good.

Let me start by saying that at our wedding, Casey's best man, Scott, told me in his speech that he thought that I should utilize the power that prayer has and really work in our marriage through prayer. I have thought about his words several times since our wedding, and I have listened to them again on our wedding video.

Anyway, lately the power of prayer has really been evident in my life. There have been several things that I have really poured out in prayer lately and so many of them have been answered.

There is one story in particular that really touched me today.

Let me back up by saying that there are a couple of girls from my class at school last year (6th grade) that our now in our youth group (as of a couple of weeks ago when they promoted into 7th grade). They started coming to our church about a month before school let out in May and Blake, the Jr. High guy was their Sunday School teacher while they were still in 6th. (It has been really cool to have them at church, by the way). They were twins that I was really close to last year. This morning I saw them and their mom and her fiance at church.

Today at church, David Griffin preached about salvation. He said very early on in the sermon that we should pray for other people's salvation. I usually don't take notes, but I have for the past couple of weeks on our church bulletin (we call it a cLink). Anyway, when he said that I wrote out "Pray for other's salvation" and then I wrote my twin girls' last name next to it. I felt it lay very heavy on me during the entire sermon and kept praying and thinking of them and their family. I didn't know if they were Christians or not, but didn't really think that they were, but wasn't sure either way.

The service was great, and we actually had an alter call, which we basically NEVER do. I was a littl shocked that we did, actually. :) Anyway, I looked over at the girls and their parents several times and they never moved. I actually felt dissapointment...even though I didn't know if they were Christians or not.

I left the service and went to the youth worker meeting to get food ready and set up chairs. While I was in that room, Blake, our junior high minister told me to come with him. He said he had a surprise for me. Blake likes to play jokes, so my first thought is that I was about to walk into some prank. Instead, I went with him to a room where he got his Bible off of a cabinet and pulled out two cards. He said, "What does this mean to you?" He showed me that both of my girls from class had filled out cards and accepted Christ this morning. I immediately started crying, took the cards, went to show Casey, and get the bulletin out of my purse. Blake followed me, and I am sure he thought I was crying more than was necessary, but I showed him the place where I had written their name on my cLink. That was the part that got me so much. I felt like God had taken my prayer and showed me how powerful He was -- in less than an hour. Wow.

I could go on and on about this because I still feel so dumbfounded, but I am sure you get the point by now.

Summary: Prayer is powerful and God is VERY good :)


  1. that is amazing! i love to hear stories of God proving Himself faithful - He loves & desire us & wants to use us in His huge plan! what a good good good God we serve!!

  2. That is really neat! Prayer IS so powerful!
    I thank God for your heart for him and others! You are a blessing!

  3. God is so good and faithful...all the time. Your story gave me chill bumps. Keep evangelizing, girl! Win others for HIM!

    P.S. The word verification below is reign....HE REIGNS!


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