Sunday, June 7, 2009

One Down Thirty-Seven More To Go....

Well, my first year of teaching is officially over! My mom keeps telling me, "one down, only 29 more to go!" Technically I would have to work 37 more if I wanted to retire as a teacher (and if I never took a year off). My last official day was Friday, and I left the building some time around 1:30pm. As I was putting my stuff in the car I had a bit of a sentimental moment...Okay, that's not really the truth. I think I almost had a meltdown.

First, I started thinking about when I graduated high school...I remember coming out of the auditorium and into the courtyard outside and hugging everyone. When I hugged my mom I said to her, "This is the best day of my life." I knew how silly it sounded, but at the time I really remember feeling that way. I remember that she kind of laughed when I said that. I'm sure she thought that there would be many more days that would be better :)

Also, in the parking lot at school I thought about my last class at A&M. It was a Wednesday night, and I got out of class around the time the sun was starting to set. It was in November, but it was still pretty warm outside. I walked around for almost 2 hours before I went back to my dorm (yes, I lived in the dorm as a senior...but I never lived there any other time. I did it backwards :)). I walked through the MSC, around Kyle Field (had to say goodbye to Rev's graves, haha), under the Century Tree, around the Academic building, and through the quad. I sat on a bench and shed a couple of tears. Geez...I miss that place an insane amount.

Then, I thought about how I've just finished my first year of teaching. It started out kind of rough, I'll admit, but got tons better. I actually MISS my students. But the main thing that got me all choked up on Friday is the fact that life feels like it is flashing before my eyes in a big blur. I can't believe that I am 23, married, and already done with my first year of teaching.

If life had a pause button I would've pushed it years ago.


  1. Time definitely flies... Seems the older we get, the quicker it goes by!

  2. Congratulations! What a HUGE accomplishment!

  3. time does fly.. waaayyyy too fast!! :(

  4. Yep, it certainly flies. And Jen is right - the older you get, the faster it goes. At least, so far in my life it seems that way. Not sure that holds true if you get really sick much later in life.
    Anyway, you are a fabulous teacher who can easily make 37 more and those kids will ALL be blessed to get you!
    Enjoy the journey of life along the way. Every phase is unique and special.

  5. you are so cute how sentimental you are sometimes. I get that way about stuff too though....I cried when the 5th graders 'walked' the hallways....I knew that I would never see some of them again, and I wondered how they would remember me. But from what I have heard from you, your students will remember you, and you made a great impact on their lives.
    So congrats on your first year. What a blessing it was that we were both first years and we could talk/vent to each other via email=) I enjoyed it.
    Hope to see you soon.
    ps. omw, I really don't think I could do 37 years though...whew, that sounds a bit depressing..haha j/k.


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