Well, for the past year I have had our blog blocked to the outside world. I have only allowed readers that I have invited by email. Well, I've decided to go public. We'll see how it goes! The reason why I had decided to keep the blog private (I only had 25 readers) is because I didn't think I wanted my students or my student's parents to be able to google my name and find my blog. I never write anything on here that I wouldn't want them to see, but I just thought I should keep all of it private. Since then, I have changed my mind. There are only 16 school days left, and I am going public! (After all, I have the best students and parents there are, so I'm not worried). :)
Anyway, if after a while I feel like this isn't going to work out, the blog will go private again...which means the invited users will have to sign into google using their email address. Also, you can always be invited if you just ask me and tell me your email address. :) Since I am going public, and you can find the blog on google or on the blogspot.com database, I have enabled comment moderation. All this means is that I can read the comments before they are posted. I am only doing this to make sure I don't have any jokesters finding my blog (ahem, my precious students! They are so tech savvy, I am sure one of them will find me soon!) :)
I have so much to update about, but it is just going to have to wait 'til later. I am so tired (as usual) and am going to have to go to bed! Goodnight all!
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