Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Still Loved It...

So, we saw Twilight last night. I went with my husband Casey and my best friend Laura. Laura has read Twilight and part of New Moon and Casey has not read any of them. Needless to say, Casey was a little bored.

Going into the movie, I had really low expectations. I knew that it was a low budget film, and I knew that movies are rarely anything like the book and never quite what you had imagined. Because of this, I liked the movie a lot.

Laura on the other hand said that she thought it was going to be really good because it was such a big deal. She did not know that it was low budget, and so she did not like it nearly as much. She thought it was awkward, cheesy, and said it didn't flow very well.

I do agree with the awkward cheesiness at times. When Edward picked Bella up and started running up the mountain and climbing the trees, I gotta tell you I laughed out loud pretty hard. There were a couple other parts portrayed that I thought were extremely funny after having read the book.

All that said, I still loved it, and I think I am going to go see it again (maybe even by myself so I can really enjoy it, haha)! I also can't wait for the next movie to come out in 11 months! Woo hoo!

Yay for Twilight!


Mine & Casey's next free night is Friday, February 6th. We are booked solid for the next two weeks. It is practically insane. And it is all disciple now's fault. Don't get me wrong, we both love disciple now, but it takes up our life for a while. For the past 4 or 5 Saturdays (Casey's one day off) Casey has been working for several hours calling kids for Dnow. I wish I could help more with Dnow, but to be honest, it takes all of me to stay afloat as a first year teacher. I had no idea how exhausted I would be after work. I don't even do any work at home. I just try to get as much done at school until I am mentally exhausted and full and then I go home. I feel like a bum at home because I just feel like crashing. I don't feel sleepy, just mentally tired. Kiddos take a lot out of you...they don't even realize that following the rules would help me tremendously. I feel bad for the teachers I had in middle school. Bless their hearts.

Here is our schedule for this week:

Today-3 services at CLife (I only went to the 11 o'clock, but Casey went to all 3 like usual); Casey is decorating for Dnow starting as soon as the 4:3o service is over...I bet he gets home around 9.
Mondays-Casey is home for about one hour after work until he leaves for his youth CG in Forney. He gets home around 9:15 and we go to sleep at 1o:30
Tuesdays-We have our CG. We leave our house around 6:30 and get home about 9. I also have a two hour meeting after school once a month on Tuesday.
Wednesdays-Casey stays at church all day until after Momentum. He usually gets home around 9:30. I go to this sometimes.
Thursday-This Thursday we have our Dnow kickoff! We are having a Hypnotist come to the church-always really funny. (Thursdays are usually our first free night of the week, but not this time!) Casey will probably not get home until really late (maybe 1am) because they spend this night putting all the kids into houses for Dnow.
Friday-DNOW starts! Chaos begins :) Also, this is Casey's 26th birthday, but we won't be able to celebrate for about another week.
Saturday-DNOW all day
Sunday-last day of DNOW; 3 services; Super Bowl Sunday
Monday-youth CG in Forney again
Tuesday-our CG from 630-9
Wednesday-Momentum, Casey home around 9
Friday-SECOND FREE NIGHT! WOO HOO! I am taking Casey out for his birthday (it's a surprise where...he doesn't know and he won't read my blog til then cuz he's so busy! haha!:)

We love Disciple Now! It is super fun! It is also super tiring, and I can't wait for it to be over! :)


  1. For the second movie, I will prepare myself to be let down! lol!

  2. I still need to FIND book 1 so I can read them=) ahhhh
    but I am reading mark of the lion-totally not was I was expecting, but it is good. Actually jordan and I are reading it 'together' its cute=)


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