Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Job Security?

The other day I was talking with Casey about the economy being bad. I keep saying that I think we are going to drop into another Great Depression and it is going to go into history with people reading about us in years to come. Everyday I come home from school and turn on the news to see if the stock market has crashed.

I always think of the line at the end of Titanic where Rose says that her fiance had gotten off of the boat, "but after the crash of '29 he put a pistol in his mouth." (Sorry if that was to gorry for you). I keep wondering if people are going to kill themselves if our economy gets to bad that our money isn't worth anything.

However, even though I am talking through all of this, I was bragging to Casey that I would be able to "carry us" if bad stuff happened because I am a teacher, and teachers have great job security......A couple days later the Dallas Independent School District laid off hundreds of employees, including teachers. Well, I guess I was wrong. Apparently no one really has job security. Ha!


  1. Lauren,

    First of all, you have as much job security as anyone in America. DISD is a school district that is run by idiots. Of course it may not be all bad for DISD teachers, Las Vegas ISD is planning on coming to Dallas to interview laid off school teachers. They are looking for over 400 teachers.

    As for the economy 9-11-2001 was far worse than where we are today. Yes, the stock market is getting beat daily, but this is really only devastating to the really rich. As for the middle class and lower there is very little effect. This is a problem of the super wealthy that made bad investments and now want the US Govt to take the loss for them. I have approximately 500 clients that span many industries. In 2001 every single one was hurt some way. At this point I am not aware of even a single client having a problem from the economy. This one is a media and wealthy scare, not a real one us little guys.

    So go to work in the morning there will be a job there, and you will get paid at the end of the month.


  2. In the depression in 29 almost every bank failed in the US. That is why the FDIC was created. We are light years away from a depression. Of course if it was a depression we would not make it. In the last one everyone raised their own food to eat. That wouldn't happen now.


Tell me what you're thinking!