Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I am in my millionth day of staff development. I am super tired. I have been staying at the school late everyday getting my room ready and working on lesson plans. Today I got there at 8am and left around 7:15pm. I never would've thought that I would work over 11 hours in one day. That's just not me-I'm not an overachiever, haha. When I left school at 7:15 tonight I went straight to Momentum (the youth church service). I ended up getting home at 10. Wow. I considered not going, but I decided I would go ahead because I haven't heard Casey talk in a while. He did really good too, so I am glad that I went! :)

Anyway, all that to say: I am tired, and school hasn't even started. Interesting.


  1. Hopefully things will slow down once school starts. The week before school is always CRAZY at our house because Chris has something every night. I'm just glad I'm not teaching right now too with Caleb around. He would have to spend the week at Mimi & Poppy's!

  2. I am exhausted, too! BRAIN OVERLOAD!

  3. Yep, I know very well how that goes! Hang in there. It WILL get better! Let me know what I can do to help make your life easier right now.
    xxoo Beverly


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