Today was a fun day...well, I guess really it was tonight that was fun. It is a Tuesday, but Casey and I went to the Harbor to see a movie. That is highly unusual behavior for us! I guess some of you might be wondering how we have the money to be seeing movies and going out to eat for anniversaries, etc. Well, before we got married we had a garage sale. It was December 1st, actually (I remember dates pretty well). Anyway, we sold a lot of my old college/dorm stuff, clothes and some of Casey's old games and toys. We ended up making somewhere around $250 dollars on that stuff, and we decided to put all of the money in an envelope and keep it just for entertainment. We don't dig into it too often, but if we don't really have the money to spend on entertainment, we dip into that envelope. The rule is that it has to be on something that we are both going to do, and we both have to agree on it. Basically this means that it isn't golf money for Casey, and it isn't shopping money for me. It is strictly for entertainment for the both of us. So, tonight we took out a $20 dollar bill and went to the movies and bought popcorn and a drink! Fun times! We decided to do this tonight because we don't really have many nights to ourselves this week due to fourth of July and getting ready for the high school mission trip we are going on next week.
After the movie we went and got a Sunday newspaper so that I could start cutting coupons! :) This may sound ghetto to some of you, but Casey talked to this lady at our church that cuts coupons and she said she pays a quarter of what she would normally pay for groceries. After cutting them tonight, I believe her! The key is to learn not to buy stuff just because you have a coupon. I am going to buy stuff that I know we already buy. After getting the paper we headed to Mesquite where some people were playing volleyball at Austin Elementary. Casey played while I sat and cut out coupons while talking to Christmas. We had some fun conversations! We decided that cutting out coupons is kind of fun. Casey told me he thought I would like it because after cutting them out I would need to organize them all into groups. He was right...he knows me too well. I like to make lists and also organize things. I'm lame. Oh well, at least we'll save money off of my lameness. Ha ha.
Well, on paper that might not have seemed all that fun, but believe me, it was. "Fun" is in the small stuff!
love this post! i'm totally with you on making lists, saving money, organizing stuff...and how smart of you guys to budget your entertainment that way! very important - especially in your first years of marriage when we're all poor! :)